here in Quebec.
The sap running from
The sap running from
the maple trees is used
to make maple syrup.
A sweet syrup used in
to make maple syrup.
A sweet syrup used in
cooking and baking.
This dessert is a traditional
This dessert is a traditional
The Cake and the Maple Sauce.
The Cake
1/4 cup butter, at room temperature
1/2 cup white sugar
1 egg, at room temperature
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 cup flour
2 tsps baking powder
3/4 cup milk.
(sometimes, I used Almond Milk)
Preheat oven to 325 deg. F.
Grease a baking pan. approx 8 x 8..
With an electric mixer mix the
butter and sugar until blended.
Add egg and vanilla
blend together.
In another bowl, whisk together
the flour and baking powder.
Add the flour mixture, and the milk,
to the butter mixture,
mix all together to make the cake.
"precooked on the stove,
in a saucepan"
3/4 cup pure maple syrup
3/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup 35% cream
1/4 cup butter.
In a medium saucepan,
bring the maple syrup, brown sugar,
cream and butter to a boil,
stirring constantly.
Reduce heat and simmer 2 minutes.
Pour sauce gently over cake.
cream and butter to a boil,
stirring constantly.
Reduce heat and simmer 2 minutes.
Pour sauce gently over cake.
Place pan on a cookies sheet to bake,
to prevent spills in your oven.
Bake 325 deg.F. about 35 minutes
or, until cake is light brown,
and when a toothpick
Bake 325 deg.F. about 35 minutes
or, until cake is light brown,
and when a toothpick
Below freezing at night
and warmer days,
ideal temperatures
for the sap to run.
Usually in March/April.

and boiled into Maple Syrup.
Thanks for your visit.